Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Well this week was crazy! A lot of changes happened!

Elder Banderas from Ecuador
 So this week there was a transfer and Elder Barclay was was transfered to Witchita and  I got a new companion, Elder Gomez. He is from Guatamala! He knew no English before he came on his mission, but he's been out a year, and speaks alright. So we are going to switch everyday from Spanish to English  so we can both learn. I am super excited!!! My Spanish has already gotten a ton better. 

Elder Gomez is from Ciche Guatemala  and has 4 siblings, and is the second youngest. He has a sister right now serving in temple square.  So if you are in Utah in the next year, look for sister Gomez, from Guatemala.  He is the first missionary in his family, and his sister is the second. They opened their calls the same day in their small branch in Guatemala  So this is a huge opportunity for me to learn Spanish.

Elder Banderas and Gomez (my new companion)

  The other cool thing is that Elder Gomez already served here in Garden City, three months ago. So we both have a completely different knowledge of the area, and combined, we have a ton of work to do. A lot of good stuff is going to happen! And all the Spanish members trust and like Elder Gomez a lot.
Another  cool thing is that president assigned me to be District Leader! So I have four companionships in my district. They are the Garden City Sisters, Garden City Spanish(us), Garden City English (Zone leaders) and the Scott City elders. It is all pretty exciting. I have to conduct an hour training every week, and just support, and motivate all the other elders and sisters.
I'm writing on Tuesday, because yesterday we had Zone Conference in Doge City. So it was us and the Doge City Zone. And it was all headed by Elder Nash, of the seventy. It was an awesome experience. We all got to know him, because we had the conference for 6 hours together. It was super spiritual, and very specific as to what we need to be doing better here in our zone.
Because of the conference i got to see all my friends, in the two zones, yes including Elder (Mark) McKellar. IT was really fun to see him, and just to spend the day with him. So since Mark is in the zone next to me I never get to see him, but our two zones make up the Garden City Stake, and since there was stake conference, Mark came down, all Saturday, and until after church on Sunday! He even slept at our house s\Saturday night, and on Saturday afternoon, us four, his companion and mine, went on splits. Me and mark got to go knock on some doors, and do some street contacting, in some trailer parks, for a few hours! It was a lot of fun to see him!

President is so funny, you ask him any question and he just can't deny you the answer. So Elder McKellar asked President where he would be next transfer, and President just told him he would be training a native Spanish speaker! He will stay in Liberal Kansas.
One of my best friends here in Garden City, Elder Neeley was transferred out though. its too bad, we were really tight. Transfers aren't even for another week, but Elder Neeley is the new AP, so he goes in a week early.
On Halloween we aren't allowed to proselyte unless we have an appointment, and us and the zone leaders had an appointment that canceled, so we were in by 7:30. So we went back to the apartment and just had ourselves a little party. 
Thanks for sending the ipod, i cant wait till it gets here. Im tired of listening to gay EFY music.
Missionary work is getting to be really fun, I'm really enjoying it!
Love you all,

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